Paolo Landa, Phd
Journal activities
Team Board member
Scientific Report - Nature Springer (from January 2024 to now)
BMC Health Services Research (from March 2024 to now)
Plos One (from September 2024 to now)
Reviewer activities
Reviewer for the following journals:
4OR (2 manuscripts)
AIMS Public health (1 manuscript)
Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine (1 manuscript)
BMC health services research (1 manuscript)
BMC public health (2 manuscripts)
BMJ open (24 manuscripts)
Cancers MDPI (2 manuscript)
Central European journal of operations research (2 manuscripts)
Clinical epidemiology (1 manuscript)
Clinical and experimental dermatology (1 manuscript)
ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research (1 manuscript)
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering (2 manuscripts)
Computers & Industrial Engineering (2 manuscripts)
Current Oncology MDPI (3 manuscripts)
Decision sciences (2 manuscripts)
Diseases (1 manuscript)
European Journal of Operational Research (2 manuscripts)
Healthcare MDPI (3 manuscripts)
Health care management science (3 manuscripts)
Health Services insights (1 manuscript)
Health systems (3 manuscripts)
Healthcare (1 manuscript)
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics (5 manuscripts)
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (4 manuscripts)
INFOR (1 manuscript)
International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation (1 manuscripts)
International journal of Health Planning and Management (4 manuscripts)
International journal of Production Research (2 manuscripts)
International Journal for Quality in Health Care (2 manuscripts)
International journal of systems science (1 manuscript)
International Transactions in Operational Research (5 manuscripts)
Journal of Evaluation in clinical practice (1 manuscript)
Journal of Evidence-based medicine (1 manuscript)
Journal of Health economics and outcomes research (3 manuscripts)
Journal of International nursing research (1 manuscript)
Journal of Market Access & Health Policy (2 manuscript)
Journal of Medical Internet Research Medical Informatics (1 manuscript)
Journal of Nursing management (2 manuscripts)
Journal of operations management (1 manuscript)
Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene (2 manuscripts)
Journal of simulation (2 manuscripts)
Journal of the Operational Research Society (8 manuscripts)
Oncology MDPI (2 manuscripts)
Operations research for health care (6 manuscripts)
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage (3 manuscripts)
Patient preference and adherence (1 manuscript)
PLOS One (2 manuscripts)
Production and Operations Management (1 manuscript)
Production planning & control (1 manuscript)
Qeios (2 manuscripts)
RAIRO- Operations Research (1 manuscript)
Risk management and healthcare policy (1 manuscript)
Sci (1 manuscript)
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (2 manuscripts)
Soft computing (1 manuscript)
The British Journal of Psychiatry (1 manuscript)
The international journal of health planning and management (5 manuscripts)
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management (1 manuscript)