Paolo Landa, Phd
HEOR Consultant for MAP BioPharma Ltd (UK)
Position as Lead Health Economist consultant.
Development of:
Three NICE submissions for drugs for rare diseases
One SMC submission
Three Budget Impact model developed
Mentoring of Health Economists and Market Access consultants and associates
Six Health Economics models
Supporting the development of outcomes for QALYs (DCE, Vignettes study using TTO)
Two scientific advices for CADTH and NICE
Research activity on NICE appraisals for orphan drugs
Participation at ISPOR 2019 conference in Copenhagen (Denmark)
Consultant for the project “Health Technology Assessment of Trumenba vaccine for Meningitis B in Italy” University of Genoa and University of Florence (Italy)
Consultant for the project “Methodology for the Health Economic evaluation of Meningococcal vaccines” Pfizer International, Paris (France)
Consultant for the development of "Pneumorischio App", a smartphone app to calculate the potential risk of invasive pneumococcal disease, University of Genoa (Italy), University of Florence (Italy) - click here for info
Consultant for research project “Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): an economic evaluation for Italian health care market” University of Venice Ca’ Foscari (Italy) and RegenLab (Switzerland)
Consultant for the research project “Methods to support decision for hospital treatment of surgeries based on Thyroids pathologies” University of Genoa (Italy)
Consultant for the research project “How to join efficiency and quality of care: new models and quantitative methods for the reorganization of health care services”. Department of Economics., University of Genoa (Italy)
Consultant for research project on Surgical Waiting List Info System and management (SWALIS 2) University of Genoa (Italy)